itAIS Doctoral Consortium 2016

The Doctoral Consortium is free of charge for all doctoral students registered at the itAIS 2016 Conference.
The ItAIS Doctoral Consortium will take place at University of Verona, on October 7th (Friday) in the morning.

It seeks to help doctoral students in Business, Management and Information Systems disciplines develop effective career plans based on their personal and professional goals. The consortium has three primary objectives:

  1. provide students with networking opportunities,
  2. help students strategize about their research, dissertation, teaching, and career plans, and
  3. give hints about the job market.

The program includes a plenary session (with the itAIS Doctoral Consortium Workshop), several panels according to the number of attendees, and a closing session. Each panel will involve at least a faculty member and two/three students. Students will be assigned to each panel according to the nature of the research strategy followed in order to promote collaboration.

Students interested in participating must submit:

  1. a research report
  2. (optional) a paper or draft paper related to the research project.

These documents must be sent via email to by the 10th of September.

As for the research report (point 1 above), each student is expected to provide the other panel members with sufficient insights to allow feedback and discussion about the issues related to the overall research project as well as its progress. The report should provide details on the student’s research project including: the background and motivation for the research, research questions, research approach, method, findings (if already available), and current and future research activities.

As for the paper or draft paper (point 2 above), each student is also encouraged to present a paper he or she is currently working on. This paper may have been already submitted to a conference/journal or be still in progress. This paper is expected to provide the readers with a better understanding of the background and/or scope of the student’s research project.

The submitted reports and papers will be assigned to specific panels and will be circulated among the members of the respective panels before the consortium. Each student is required to read in advance the contribution(s) of the other student(s) participating in his or her panel in order to provide feedback, and will also serve as the main discussant of one of the other students’ work. Thus, each student will be responsible for providing extensive comments for the assigned report and, possibly, paper. Faculty members will be responsible for stimulating and managing the discussions. Details on the organization of each panel will be provided timely, prior to the workshop.

Each student should be prepared to provide a short presentation (5-10 minutes) summarizing the key points of his or her research. The remainder of the time (30/40 minutes for each student) will be dedicated to the discussion with the panelists.


  • From March 10 to september 10, 2016 – It is encouraged to send an informal email ( for notifying the interest in participating at the PhD consortium.
  • September 10, 2016 – Deadline for submitting the research report (
  • October 7, 2016 – PhD consortium.